"Informationen sind der Schlüssel zur Verbesserung der Leistung, Reduzierung von Ausfallzeiten und Verlängerung der Betriebszeit von Anlagen."
OpenICM - Realtime dashboard / SCADA for maintenance includes innovative tools to monitor degradation and schedule maintenance based on realtime data and wear predictions.
The package is available in a number of difference versions to perfectly accomodate your needs. OpenICM can be cost effectively scaled for both small and large scale maintenance organisations.
Traditional manaintenance management software is preventive maintenance oriented, build to generate tasks for mechanics and electricians. OpenICM is all about SMART performance, predictive maintenance, utilizing technology to gain insides into your asset. Provides intelligence to plan and perform maintenance efficiently and against lowest possible cost.
ALL our SMART Performance hardware and software comply to the highest possible data integrity and security standards (i.e. IEC 62443).
Good maintenance planning that optimally takes into account production needs, knowledge and skills of mechanics, the life cycle of assets is a very complex puzzle to put together.
OpenICM AI calculates all possibilities and suggests the most ideal balance even in changing situations.
People are the most valuable part of any business. OpenICM makes it possible to focus on people and support them as best as possible in their tasks and well-being.
Information can be presented in a variety of ways both graphically and in spoken word.
Our technology provides insight in a way that people can understand and in a way that focuses on what is important. In doing so, we avoid information overload.
OpenICM monitors and instructs to prevent people from working too long, too hard and too monotonously.
Easy connect with EDGE devices, retrieve data from all sorts of devices, protocols and networks.
Process your data and make available graphically as streaming data or in database format.
Define actions, triggers and alarms. Stay a head of any undesired situation...
Your company is not only judged by what you deliver but also how you produce it and how you take responsibillity towards society and the environment.
OpenICM helps you to keep track of your assets in all stages of their existance.
Make sure assets are not dismissed based on defects but are repurposed or reused.
You don't know what technological developments you can begin to take advantage of. But a good structured automation and information structure offers many advantages.
From OpenICM you can easily generate code and visualizations for mobile applications, process/machine controls and augmented reality.
Connect IIoT EDGE devices and PLC's without the hassle of software installation via our SaaS solution or have OpenICM running on one of your servers. Users will access via a standard webbrowser on a desktop, tablet or smartphone.
Selbst wenn Sie glauben, dass Ihr Betrieb nicht effizienter werden kann, gibt es noch viel zu gewinnen. Da sich im Laufe der Zeit Daten ansammeln, werden Sie immer mehr über das Verhalten Ihres Systems erfahren und Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung finden.
Die Technologie wird sich weiterentwickeln, neue Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung von Effizienz, Qualität und Kapazität werden zunehmen.
Ihre Maschine, Ihre Fabrik und Ihre Ressourcen befinden sich in einem ständigen Wettlauf, und um der Konkurrenz einen Schritt voraus zu sein, spielen Daten eine entscheidende Rolle.
Wir bieten einen Datenkonnektor an, mit dem Sie sich mit den meisten gängigen CNC-Maschinen verbinden und alle Betriebsdaten extrahieren können, um sie in Analyse- und Planungsanwendungen zu verwenden.
In Kombination mit unserer Asset Management Software 'OpenICM' werden wir in der Lage sein, Maschinen zu analysieren, zu optimieren und zu disponieren.
Die am leichtesten zu erreichende Effektivitätsmessung ist OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness). Sie messen Ausfallzeiten, Produktionszeit und Kapazität.
Mit unserem OEE-Sensorkit können Sie OEE einfach und ohne Änderungen an Ihrer bestehenden Anlage messen.
We know maintenance personal won't and cannot be missed for days in a row, that's why we provide a railroad schedule to learn OpenICM and predictive maintenance step-by-step in a modern online and interactive way. Select which learning path suites best.
Opting for OpenICM / a modern maintenance application ECO system introduces new technologies and possibilities. Our service and support team will be @ your side to setup your maintenance and help to gain the most out of OpenICM.
Practical advise and help to choose your best advanced maintenance strategy.
Technical support in every aspect, from complete setup of your SMART maintenance to a helping hand and guidance.
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